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Keynote and Plenary Lectures

To visualize the invited Lectures, titles and Cv please click on each name



Prof. Julian Hunt

University of Cambridge and UCL, UK

Prof. Parviz Moin

Stanford University, USA

Prof. Robert Antonia 

University of Newcastle, Australia



Dr. Alvaro Jara-Rodelgo

Director of Proto-Space Innovation Dept of Airbus Spain

Prof. Wolfgang Schröder

University of RWTH Aachen, Germany
Prof. Xiaofeng Sun  University of Beihang, China
Prof. Yu Zhou  HIT - Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Prof. Petros Koumoutsakos ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Christophe Bailly École Centrale de Lyon, France
Prof. Koji Fukagata Keio University, Japan
Invited Technology Session   
Prof. Pantelakis Spiros  President EASN, EU Commission, Univ. of Patras, Greece